Saturday, June 9, 2007

Boston Globe: Black Church Hosts Gay Pride Service

Early word on Boston's historic Pride service at Union United Methodist Church, from a friend of Integrity: "Today's service was absolutely great!"

Event Is Victory for Advocates

By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff June 9, 2007

The annual gay pride interfaith prayer service today will for the first time take place in a predominantly black church, highlighting an intensive effort by advocates of same-sex marriage to demonstrate support from theologically conservative wings of the religious community.

The worship service, just five days before a Constitutional Convention at which the Legislature is scheduled to decide whether to put a repeal of same-sex marriage onto next year's ballot, is taking place at a church whose pastor is a member of the board of the Black Ministerial Alliance, an organization that has been among the most vocal opponents of same-sex marriage.

"This is a clarion statement that the black churches and black clergy are not monolithic in their opposition to gay identity and gay equality and marriage equality," said the Rev. Anne C. Fowler, an Episcopal priest who is the president of the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry. The coalition, which lobbies in favor of same-sex marriage, will be given the entire offering from today's worship service, which is taking place at 10 a.m. at Union United Methodist Church in Boston.

Read it all here.

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