Saturday, June 23, 2007

International observers urge Synod to consider value of Anglican Communion

By Marites N. Sison, June 21, 2007

[Anglican Journal] Two international church leaders urged delegates of General Synod June 20 to adopt a positive approach to human sexuality, a contentious issue that will be dealt with during the ongoing meeting of the Anglican Church of Canada's highest governing body, meeting at the Marlborough Hotel in Winnipeg.

In his remarks, Dr. John Sentamu, Archbishop of York and primate of England, urged delegates to exercise "gracious magnanimity" when dealing with the divisive issue of whether the church should bless homosexual unions.

For his part, Canon Kenneth Kearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, urged Canadian Anglicans to "take time to stand back from the Anglican Communion," where the focus has been on schism over the issue of human sexuality, and look instead at its value.


Reflecting on his own ministry, Sentamu said: "I have learned to care, hear and listen to those who describe themselves as gay or lesbian. They, like me, are called to redeemed humanity in Christ; and what upsets me is the way in which some of my brothers and sisters in Christ refer to members of Christ's body (gay and lesbian Christians) as if they aren't part of that body." He added: "I strongly believe that holy communication is part of Holy Communion."

Click here to read the entire article.

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