Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Parsippany Postcard #1

Ian Douglas (left) talks about responses to the proposed Anglican covenant.

John Clinton Bradley
For Integrity
June 13, 2007
Parsippany, NJ

The proposed Anglican covenant was discussed by the International Concerns Standing Committee of Executive Council during its Wednesday morning session.

Ms. Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine Esq., chair of the subcommittee charged with soliciting and receiving feedback on the covenant, reported that a total of 411 responses were received by the June 4th deadline. She said the subcommittee reviewed…
  • 210 responses from individual laity
  • 100 responses from individual clergy
  • 18 responses from individual bishops
  • 27 responses from parishes
  • 64 responses from dioceses or organizations

Ms. Ballentine said that were roughly 4 responses against the covenant for every 1 response in favor of it.

The Rev. Dr. Ian Douglas, a member of the subcommittee, added that only a small minority of responses were completely for the covenant as proposed or against any form of covenant. Most responses were nuanced—stating conditions under which a covenant might be acceptable or unacceptable.

The Rev. Dr. Lee Alison Crawford, another member of the subcommittee, said that many respondents offered thanks for the opportunity to comment on the covenant.

The Rev. Canon Mark Harris concluded that the subcommittee had reached consensus on three recommendations to the entire Executive Council…

  1. That a hard copy of all responses be forwarded to the Anglican Communion Office and the Covenant Design Group.
  2. That Executive Council appoint a writing group to draft a collective response to the proposed covenant for approval by Executive Council during its October 2007 meeting.
  3. That the writing group communicate with the House of Bishop Theology Committee.

Ms. Sandra McPhee, chair of International Concerns Standing Committee, asked Canon Harris and Ms. Ballentine to prepare a written and oral report for presentation to the entire Executive Council on Thursday.

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