Friday, June 15, 2007

Parsippany Postcard #6

Bonnie Anderson answering a question during the press conference.

John Clinton Bradley
For Integrity
June 14, 2007
Parsippany, NJ

A press conference was held this afternoon following adjournment of Executive Council. Present were a handful of reporters from church-related publications. A few reporters from secular publications and wire services joined the event by teleconference (though there were some technical difficulties that hampered their full participation).

I asked the Presiding Bishop what the Executive Council response to the primates' communiqué says to gay and lesbian people in the Episcopal Church and the United States.

The Presiding Bishop asked Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies, to answer the question. Anderson replied that the statement speaks to the entire Episcopal Church. The statement invites a continuation of the conversation with the Anglican Communion on the vocation of gay and lesbian people within the church.

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