Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sin or sacrament?

Anglicans divided on gay rites
Sun, June 24, 2007
Winnepeg Sun

WINNIPEG -- The question of whether to bless same-sex unions remained unanswered for Anglicans yesterday, so they will tackle it again today.

Instead of debating the issue last night, delegates at the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada spent hours wrangling over procedural issues.

Canada's outgoing primate, or church leader, seemed somewhat fed up after two hours of discussion about technical issues, and even joked the debate would go more smoothly after a good night's rest.

"It vexes me that Anglicans are prepared to spend more energy in process than substance," said Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, a comment that drew cheers and clapping from the delegates and observers.


Archdeacon Karl McLean, a colonel with the Canadian Forces, said the church should bless same-sex relationships that are monogamous and committed.

"We need to consider and demonstrate God's character, God's love and justice," said McLean.

Rev. Andrew Asbil said about 30% of the people in the area surrounding his church in downtown Toronto identify themselves as gay or lesbian. He urged delegates to accept everyone into the church.

"The time is coming and it is now," said Asbil. "Put sandals on your feet, a staff in your hand and let's go."

Click here to read the entire article.

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