Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Tragic Loss for the Whole Church

Episcopal News is reporting the sad news that Bishop Jim Kelsey was killed today in an automobile accident. His passing is a sad, tragic loss not only for his family and diocese but for the whole church.

Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon him.

[ENS] Bishop James Kelsey of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan waskilled in a road accident at around 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 3, whilereturning to Marquette from a parish visitation, Jane Cisluycis, diocesanoperations coordinator confirmed.
Kelsey was traveling alone, but it is unclear at this time whether any othervehicles were involved in the incident.
"The Episcopal Church has today lost one of its bright lights," PresidingBishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said. "We will be less without the easy grace of Bishop James Kelsey -- Jim to most of us -- and we shall miss hishumor, insight, and passion for the ministry of all. He gave us much. We pray for the repose of his soul, and for his family. We pray also for the Diocese of Northern Michigan. All of us have lost a friend. May he rest inpeace and rise in glory."
Born in 1952 in Baltimore, Maryland, Kelsey graduated from Ithaca College in1974, and from General Theological Seminary in New York City in 1977. In1985, Kelsey moved with his family to Oklahoma, where he served for fouryears as canon missioner for Cluster Ministries. In 1989, he was called tothe Diocese of Northern Michigan, where he served for 10 years as ministrydevelopment coordinator before being elected bishop in 1999.
Kelsey will be remembered as a welcoming and open person who always endeavored to include others, Cisluycis said. "It is hard to imagine the hole he will leave behind," she said. Kelsey is survived by his wife, Mary, and three grown children. Funeral arrangements are pending.

1 comment:

  1. Bishop Kelsey was a special people person who touched thousands of lives.
    He made every one who met him feel like a lifelong friend.
    I am the volunteer media advisor for several of Bishop Kelsey's interfaith environment projects.
    The day before his death, Jim met with Lutheran and Presbyterian clergy to begin a new interfaith environment project.
    Here are links to our video and written tributes to the wonderful man and visionary - Earth Bishop Jim Kelsey.

    Earth Keeper TV Bishop Kelsey Tribute:

    Written tribute/photos:

    Link to written Earth Keeper tribute on this website:

    We love you Jim - thank you for being a wonderful person and passing through our lives.


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