Sunday, August 19, 2007

Become An Integrity Partner

Calling all congregations:

Become an Integrity Partner!

"This is a great way to say "We stand with the Episcopal Church, we're NOT going back, and we support the one organization which has for decades supported our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters in Christ." Become an Integrity Partner NOW!" -- The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire

What do St. Clement’s, Honolulu, St. Thomas the Apostle, Dallas and Grace Cathedral, San Francisco have in common? They’re all Integrity Partners — congregations who share the vision of a church where all the baptized are fully included in the Body of Christ and who have signed on to be official Integrity Partners.
It is clear that this Episcopal Church we love and serve is at a great crossroads in its history. While the weeks and months ahead will hold many challenges I also believe this is a time of great opportunity. Integrity is working hard to build on its 30+ history of advocating for LGBT issues and networking with other justice voices within the Episcopal Church. And with your help we can continue to that work — securing the gains of the last decades on behalf of the LGBT baptized while expanding our network to include and support voices from the wider Anglican Communion who have for too long been voiceless in the struggle.
Becoming an Integrity Partner will put you in the grassroots loop as we work toward the 2008 Lambeth Conference and 2009 General Convention. In addition to being listed as a Partner on the Integrity website you will also receive a subscription to our magazine, “Voice of Integrity” along with periodic updates through our online IntegNews network.
Sign up online today! Won’t you join with St. Clement’s and St. Thomas and Grace Cathedral and many congregations in between? Join the voice of your congregation with those proclaiming an outward and visible witness to the inward and spiritual grace of the inclusive love of the God that knows no strangers and welcomes all into Body of Christ.
The Reverend Susan Russell
President, Integrity USA

1 comment:

  1. If you're wondering if your congregation is ALREADY an Integrity Partner, check here:


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