Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Go and do likewise

From the mailbag: Recently received from St. Augustine by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, this letter signed by their clergy and vestry and urging other congregations to "go and do likewise." Bravo, St. Augustine by-the-Sea ... way to go!


July 20, 2007

To our fellow parishes in the Los Angeles Diocese:

We would like to inform you that we have adopted the following resolution, which we have sent by letter our our bishops to support them in their discernment considering the upcoming meeting of the House of Bishops in September:

"We request our bishops, the Right Reverend J. Jon Bruno, the Right Reverend Chester L. Talton, the Right Reverend Robert M. Anderson and the Right Reverend Sergio Carranza, to take all reasonable efforts to persuade the House of Bishops to adpot a resolution of solidarity and unity, stating unequivocally that all duly elected and confirmed bishops of the Episcopal Church must be invited to the Lambeth Conference on equal terms, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation"

It is our belief that all parish churches have a stake in stressing the right of each diocese to elect its own bishops without outside interference. We invite you to consider this in responding to this issue as well.

Yours in Christ,
The Vestry of the Parish Church of St. Augustine by-the-Sea
Santa Monica, California


Also worth reading is St. Augustine Rector Hartshorn Murphy's online reflection, The Lambeth Palace Controversy.

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