Thursday, August 30, 2007

Iowa judge strikes down gay marriage ban

The Washington Post reports:
A county judge struck down Iowa's decade-old gay marriage ban as unconstitutional Thursday and ordered local officials to process marriage licenses for six gay couples.

Gay couples from anywhere in Iowa could apply for a marriage license from Polk County under Judge Robert Hanson's ruling.

Less than two hours after word of the ruling was publicized, two Des Moines men applied for a license, the first time the county had accepted a same-sex application. The approval process takes three days.

Gary Allen Seronko, 51, was listed as the groom on the form and David Curtis Rethmeier, 29, the bride.

"I started to cry because we so badly want to be able to be protected if something happens to one of us," Rethmeier said.

Deputy Recorder Trish Umthun said she took five calls from gay couples after the judge filed his ruling Thursday afternoon and expected a rush of applications Friday.

Read it all here.

1 comment:

  1. All of my life I've had gay friends, whom I loved.

    But since a gay Realtor bought my condo at a foreclosure auction I knew nothing about because there was no hearing, and I had it listed at the same agency where he works, and I was spending thousands of dollars on it to ready it for sale, and he let me do that right up until I had an offer... THEN he tells my listing agent it belongs to him...

    I'm not so keen on gays anymore.

    I know that's silly.

    I also know it's silly to think the judge was crooked and therefore not straight.

    The judge denied my due process rights and refused to accommodate my mental disability, and he must have known at the hearing to Confirm the Sale that the plaintiff's lawyer was lying, but he went with the lies.

    You can see my Revised Brief in my Appeal... which tells about the hearings and has parts of the audio transcript transcribed... only when I was transcribing it I found that one key bit is missing... Now ... how could that happen?


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