Friday, August 10, 2007

"Jesus In Love" Blog

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A new queer Christian blog has just been launched by lesbian author Kittredge Cherry. Her first post is about her recent trip to Taos for the National Festival of Progressive Spiritual Art:

Rev. Cherry will be posting at least once a week at the new "Jesus in Love" blog with more photos and stories from the Taos festival, as well as spiritual reflections, commentary on current events and updates on her books and other projects.

The blog is an outgrowth of her website,, which offers spiritual resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and their allies.

Rev Cherry's new book of queer spiritual art is on sale now. "ART THAT DARES: Gay Jesus, Woman Christ, and More" is filled with color images by 11 contemporary artists from the U.S. and Europe.

"Suitable for coffee table and classroom," says Dr. Mary Hunt. "A treasure… to be experienced again and yet again," says author Virginia Mollenkott.

The retail price is $38.95, but is selling it for only $25.71. For more info, visit:

Rev. Kittredge Cherry is a lesbian Christian author who was at the forefront of the international debate on sexuality and spirituality as National Ecumenical Officer for Metropolitan Community Churches. She holds degrees in journalism, art history and religion. Her books include "Jesus in Love" and "Equal Rites."

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