Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Job Announcement: CTB Project Manager


Integrity, in collaboration with the Claiming the Blessing (CTB) coalition, is seeking a part-time (approximately 20 hours per week) project manager to lay the groundwork for the Lambeth Conference in the summer of 2008 and General Convention of The Episcopal Church (TEC) in July 2009.

Integrity anticipates this employee will work remotely out of his or her home under the supervision of Integrity's Administrator. Some travel (approximately 2-3 days each month) may be required.

This is a new position made possible by a grant from Arcus Gay and Lesbian Fund for 1 year. Additional funding may provided for another year.

Primary Duties
  • Working with local constituents to introduce and pass LGBT-positive resolutions and elect LGBT and LGBT-friendly General Convention deputies at diocesan conventions.

  • Setting up national and regional training conferences on legislative strategy, messaging, and media management for local constituents, LGBT and LGBT-friendly General Convention deputies, and LGBT-friendly bishops.

  • Preparing for an Integrity/CTB presence at the Lambeth Conference in the summer of 2008 and General Convention in the summer of 2009.

  • Developing and distributing to all bishops and General Convention deputies video and print materials conveying Integrity and CTB's viewpoint.


  • Must have a Bachelor's Degree in any discipline.

  • Must be able to use e-mail and web-based software applications effectively.

  • Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.

  • Should have project management experience.

  • Should have professional or volunteer experience in LGBT advocacy.

  • Should be familiar with polity of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.

How To Apply

Please e-mail a cover letter stating your qualifications, resume, and 3 professional references by August 31, 2007, to John Clinton Bradley at

EEO Policy

It is the policy of Integrity to promote and ensure equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to gender (including pregnancy); gender identification (an individual’s internal sense of one’s own gender); sexual orientation (determined by whom an individual is sexually attracted to and also has the potential for loving); race, color, ethnic or religious background, descent or nationality; disability (including past, present, or future physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability, learning disorders or disease—for example, HIV), marital status; age; height or weight.

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