Monday, August 6, 2007

Pope Returns to Roman Catholic Church

Breaking News from the Diocese of Fort Worth ...

Katie Sherrod is reporting on her blog, Desert's Child, that today Bishop Jack Iker sent this notice out to the clergy of the Diocese of Fort Worth:

“BISHOP CLARENCE POPE telephoned me this morning to let me know that Martha and he have returned to membership in the Roman Catholic Church, in full communion with the See of Peter. We certainly wish them well and want to uphold them with our love and prayers at this important time in their pilgrimage. They both gave ten years of faithful service and witness here in the Diocese of Fort Worth, and we give thanks to God for their continuing friendship and ministry. Bishop Pope wanted to assure me that he remains very attached to us and that his affection for the people of this diocese remains unchanged. Do join me in thanking God for both of these faithful Christians and praying His continued blessing upon them in the years ahead.”

Katie goes on to recall: This is the second time Clarence Pope has swum the Tiber. The first time was in October 1994. He had denied he was leaving The Episcopal Church right up until the day he left.

Do read her whole piece on the issue ... Pope Swims Tiber Again ... but here's her thought provoking conclusion:

So now Clarence had gone to Rome again. Assuming it sticks this time, this will mean that every bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth except Jack Iker [we’ve only had three] has left The Episcopal Church – Donald Davies left to form his own breakaway church.

Jack Iker assures us he is not leaving.

But, then, so did Clarence Pope.

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