Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Integrity Midwest Leadership Conference

Integrity Midwest is very pleased to announce that an Integrity Midwest Leadership Conference will be held in Cleveland Friday October 5th and Saturday October 6th, hosted by Integrity Northeast Ohio.

Should you wish to attend, as I very much hope you will, please (a) email me and let me know you expect to come, and (b) send a check for forty dollars to cover expenses for the meals (in full, I hope, although that will depend in part on how many people attend). Make the check out to Robert E. Bennett, and put Integrity Midwest Leadership Conference on the explanatory line of the check. I will need confirmation, and checks, no later than Friday, September 28th, for those who wish to be housed in hosts' homes, and would appreciate getting confirmation and checks by September 28th also for those who expect to stay in hotels or motels.

We will begin the conference at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 5th, and conclude after dinner, probably by eight p.m., on Saturday, October 6th, 2007, although participants are welcome to stay over and, if you wish, attend services together at Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland the next morning. I hope about ten to twenty people will attend. We'll see what God has in mind, though.

Free parking will be available.

We will reimburse you for half your travel expenses (driving mileage or the price of tickets, not food or incidentals) if you submit receipts and a request for the funds by October 20th, 2007.

Exact locations will be sent soon to anyone who registers and/or writes wanting that information, and the schedule for the conference will be sent before it takes place. We will include suggestions on hotels and motels.

If you wish to help plan the conference, or just have some ideas about it, please let me know by email.

This is a leadership conference for Integrity in the Midwest, which anyone who wishes to is welcome to attend. Prior experience as a leader in Integrity, while desirable, is not necessary. But I do encourage you to be willing to take some leadership role in Integrity in the future in you decide to attend. How small or large that role might be is pretty much up to you and to your local colleagues. And you don't have to be from the Midwestern region to come -- we're just holding it here and centering it on the issues of this region.

With eager anticipation,

Robert Bennett
Integrity Midwest Vice President
Box 567
Gambier, Ohio 43022

home phone: 740 427 3620
cell phone: 740 398 2617

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