Friday, October 5, 2007

Even in Knoxville: "Churches Should Not Shun Gays"

Here's a column that reminds us that the so-called conservative South is no monolith, from Ina Hughs in the Knoxville News (thanks to Nancy Mott for calling it to our attention):

The Anglican fellowship has, like every mainline denomination, come to theological blows over the issue of same-sex unions and the ordination of gay clergy. Those of us who favor the spiritual rights of gay Christians took in a breath of hope and admiration when American Episcopalians consecrated the first openly gay bishop in 2003; but the moment it happened, those opposed - and on God's behalf - marched "as to war" to rescind the ordination and make sure it never happens again.

So much of this is reminiscent of what happened the last time conservative and liberal Christians in mainline denominations couldn't see eye to eye, choosing to go tooth and nail rather than accept each other's differences. When women were finally deemed as worthy as men of ordination, many who couldn't go along with that decision picked up their Bibles and left the denomination to form their idea of a REAL church - and make no mistake about it: There is chapter-and-verse "proof" for a No-Girls-Allowed brand of Christianity.

Before that, people waved their Bibles and got all exercised over giving blacks the right hand of fellowship. Or not.

Read it all here.

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