Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Come Ye Thankful People Come!

620 Park Avenue #311 Rochester, NY 14607-2943

November 21, 2007

In this season of Thanksgiving, Integrity is grateful for the dedication, commitment, and generosity of all those who help make our witness to God’s inclusive love both possible and powerful. In particular…
  • We give thanks for the gift of a new partnership with the Arcus Foundation—whose generous grants will enable us to expand our work within the councils of the Episcopal Church—advocating for the full inclusion of the LGBT baptized into the Body of Christ.

  • We give thanks for the addition of Jan Adams to our staff as a field organizer leading up to General Convention 2009. A cradle Episcopalian, Jan brings decades of experience as a political organizer and educator—as well as a deep commitment to the Good News of God in Christ Jesus and the Episcopal Church.

  • We give thanks for the appointment of Randolph "Randy" Kimmler as chaplain to Integrity's national board of directors. A long-time member of Integrity, Randy brings to the board his gifts as a lay pastor, liturgist, and activist. We are deeply grateful for his willingness to serve.
Above all, we give thanks for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord; to him be praise and glory, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

(Photos and contact information for Jan and Randy can be found at

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