Friday, November 2, 2007

Hands Across the Aisle: TransEpiscopal Supports Rev. Pheonix

Friday, November 2, 2007

TransEpiscopal, an organization made up of Episcopalians who are transgender, as well as allies and family of transgender loved ones, extends its support and congratulations to the Reverend Drew Phoenix [on the reaffirmation of his ministry by the United Methodist Church's highest judicial body]. Rev. Phoenix, by all accounts, is doing an outstanding job at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. As several members of TransEpiscopal are also ordained clergy who are transgender, and as we serve in various ministries throughout the United States and the United Kingdom, we know something of the struggle Rev. Phoenix is going through, and we offer thanks to God for his ministry and the opportunity he has to engage in it.

Read more here.

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