Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Inclusion Activists Needed!

Jan Adams recently reported on the pilot Inclusion Activism workshop held in Oakland, California. We still have some space available for the remaining workshops...

  • South Central Region--March 28-29--Liberty, MO
  • Southeastern Region--April 11-12--Atlanta, GA
  • Midwestern Region--April 25-26--Cincinnati, OH
  • Northeastern Region--May 9-10--Newark, NJ

Below is some additional information about the workshops. To register, contact Jan at jan@integrityusa.org or 415-378-2050.



Claiming the Blessing [CTB] and Integrity are co-sponsoring a series of regional workshops to provide local Episcopalians with the information and tools to be more effective advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender [LGBT] equality at the diocesan level. Workshops will run from about noon on Friday to about noon on Saturday to enable both clergy and laity to attend without undue conflict with their workweek. Participants will learn about the status of LGBT issues in the Episcopal Church, the polity of the Episcopal Church at all levels, how to elect and lobby bishops and General Convention deputies, how to submit and pass diocesan convention resolutions, and how to communicate effectively with a variety of target audiences and the media.


This workshop is intended for progressive Episcopalians [clergy and laity, gay and straight] who want to work at the diocesan level to advance LGBT equality within the Episcopal Church. It is NOT intended for bishops or General Convention deputies. The goal is to include at least one participant from every domestic diocese of the Episcopal Church.


Each workshop will be led by two facilitators who experts in church polity and communications--the Rev. Cynthia Black of Kalamazoo, MI,and Katie Sherrod from Fort Worth, TX.


There is no registration fee for the workshop. However, participants are expected to pay for their own travel, lodging, and any meals not provided as part of the workshop. Friday evening dinner, Saturday breakfast snacks, and a Saturday box lunch will be provided. A limited number of scholarships for travel and per diem expenses will be available. Contact Jan Adams for details.

A courtesy room block has been made at a hotel convenient to each training location. Participants are responsible for making their own room reservations. Contact Jan Adams for details.


To provide progressive Episcopalians with the knowledge and skills they need to positively and effectively influence their diocesan conventions and other diocesan decision makers on LGBT issues.


By the end of the workshop participants will be able to...

  • Describe the current status of LGBT equality within the Episcopal Church.
  • Summarize the polity of the Episcopal Church at the parish, diocesan, provincial, and national levels.
  • Explain Integrity/Claiming the Blessing's strategy for advancing LGBT equality during the current triennium.
  • Organize with other local, progressive Episcopalians
  • Network with non-LGBT's struggling for inclusion within the Episcopal Church
  • List resources for promoting LGBT equality within the church.
  • Elect and influence General Convention deputies, bishops, and other key diocesan leadership.
  • Submit and pass diocesan convention resolutions to General Convention.
  • Develop and effectively communicate messages to your target audience.
  • Use local print and broadcast media.

WORKSHOP AGENDA [subject to some change at each location]

Friday Afternoon
12:00 pm Registration
1:00 pm Noon Devotion
1:15 pm Welcome, and Introductions
1:45 pm The State of LGBT Equality Within the Episcopal Church
2:15 pm How the Episcopal Church Works
2:45 pm A Strategy for Advancing LGBT Equality Within the Episcopal Church
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Organizing at the Diocesan Level
3:45 pm Electing and Lobbying General Convention Deputies, Bishops, and Other Key Diocesan Leaders
4:15 pm Submitting and Passing Diocesan Convention Resolutions
5:00 pm Sunset Devotion
5:15 pm Reception

Friday Evening
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm LGBT Episcopal Film Festival [local activists may be invited]
-Voices of Witness [44 min]
-For the Bible Tells Me So [95 min]
9:30 pm Bedtime Devotion

Saturday Morning
8:00 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 am Morning Devotion
8:45 am Allies-LGBT's Are Not Alone
9:15 am Developing and Communicating Your Message
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Using Print and Broadcast Media
11:00 am Action Planning & Evaluation
11:30 am Closing Eucharist
12:15 pm Box Luncheon


  • Friday evening-dinner brought in by local food providers/caterers
  • Saturday morning-coffee and breakfast snacks
  • Saturday lunch-box lunches


These workshops are made possible through a generous grant from the Arcus Gay and Lesbian Fund.

1 comment:

  1. FYI: The Guardian did a great article on Bishop Robinson:
    Gay bishop's mission to unite. Worth posting a link to.


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