Monday, April 28, 2008

Canterbury Campaign Update 3

Dear Friends:

We have more good news! Chapters across the country are doing their part to ensure that Integrity has a powerful witness at this summer’s Lambeth Conference.

Here is a sampling of what chapters are doing to support Integrity's Canterbury Campaign
  • Atlanta--will host a regional reception and briefing on 10 May at which John Clinton Bradley, Integrity’s Administrator, will speak.
  • Bethlehem--made a contribution from their general fund.
  • Chicago--just hosted a special service at St. James Cathedral (on 18 April) at which the Bishop of Chicago presided. The offering was given entirely to the campaign.
  • Central Ohio (Columbus OH)--sent in a donation from a special collection.
  • Desert (Palm Springs CA)--sent in a donation from its general fund.
  • El Camino Real (CA)--will take a special collection at the 3 May Integrity Eucharist with Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves.
  • Fort Worth--hosted an event on 28 March at which the founder of Integrity, Dr. Louie Crew, spoke.
  • Hawaii--held a special fund-raising brunch.
  • Houston--will host a regional reception and briefing on 21 June at which our Treasurer, Jeff Martinhauk, will speak.
  • New York City--hosted a regional event on 12 April and donations continue to come from it.
  • North Shore (Salem MA)--will host a regional reception and briefing on 8 June at which the Rev. Susan Russell, President, will speak.
  • Northern California (Sacramento)--is making a special appeal to its membership via mail.
  • Puget Sound (Seattle WA)…will host a regional briefing and reception on 30 May at which our President, Susan Russell, will speak.
  • San Diego--Diocese of San Diego Network will host a regional briefing and reception on 17 May at which our President, Susan Russell, will speak.
  • Spokane (WA)--included a special article about the campaign in its newsletter, along with an appeal.

Let us know what your chapter is doing and we will publish it in a future update!

On behalf of the entire volunteer team that is preparing to go to Lambeth this summer, we wish to express our deep gratitude for all the support received so far. We thank all who have contributed and urge those who have not yet done so to go on-line right now and make your contribution at


Bruce Colburn
Acting Development Coordinator

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