Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hearts on Fire

All Integrity members will soon receive an announcement by mail about"Hearts on Fire." This gathering will provide participants with advocacy skills that can be applied in either a Lutheran and Episcopalian context. Bishop Robinson is a featured speaker. Jan Adams, Integrity's Field Organizer, also plans to provide a workshop on Inclusion Activism for Episcopalians (probably while LCNA members are having their business meeting).

Lutherans Concerned / North America invites people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to assemble with members of Reconciling in Christ and prospective RIC congregations at San Francisco State University July 3–6 under the theme, Hearts on Fire.

We’ll worship together, using a rich variety of traditions of the worshipping community. We’ll provide a blend of the familiar and the unique drawing on our Lutheran heritage and the wealth of liturgical practice in the area. We’ll network with one another, hear stories of joy and frustration, and make decisions together about the future direction of Lutherans Concerned / North America.

Hearts on Fire is more than a conference. We take pride in nurturing our participants. Many see the biennial assembly as a family reunion. In 2008, we hope to expand that family feeling by offering some new and exciting aspects to the assembly. Some the new aspects include:

  • Our Assembly is one week following San Francisco Pride. You can come to town for Pride and stay for the Assembly (all at San Francisco State University).
  • Assembly Pre-Events offer extra education and edification before the assembly begins.
  • Vacation Bible School will be offered for children of Assembly attendees and local RIC congregations. This will allow children to have a meaningful Assembly experience along with parents.
Click here for more information and to register.

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