Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bishop Spong to preach at LGBT interfaith service in Philadelphia on May 4

Christ Church, at Second and Market Streets in Philadelphia, is pleased to
welcome the Equality Forum's 4th Annual Interfaith Service on Sunday, May
4th at 4 PM.

The Equality Forum is the Philadelphia-based civil rights organization
dedicated to equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people.

This years' sermon will be delivered by Bishop John Spong, the retired
Bishop of Newark and progressive biblical scholar, theologian and prophet
who has tirelessly called for the full inclusion of all God's children in
the Church and society. The interfaith service will feature religious
leaders from many traditions, and powerful, transcendent choral music.

For more information on visiting Christ Church, please see

For more information about the Equality Forum, please see

We hope that you will share this information with your friends and
congregations and we look forward to welcoming you to Christ Church for this
special worship service.

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