Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Marriage Equality 101

What does it mean? What's going to happen next? Who said what and when?

Here's an attempt to gather up resources for answering some of those questions -- as well as providing background information on the decision and opportunities for action moving forward. Bookmark this blog post for a "one stop shop" on resources, commentaries and developments regarding marriage equality in California. We'll be updating it as new information comes in.

The Decision:
Download a PDF of the court decision banning discrimination against gay & lesbian couples
May 15th California Supreme Court Decision

In the news:
A sampling of news pieces related to the historic court decision:
Pasadena Star News: Area gay, lesbian couples to wed (5/15/08)
Salon.com: What it means and doesn’t mean (5/15/08)
New York Times: California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban (5/16/08)
LA Times: California chief justice interview (5/18/08)
LA Times: Coming to grips with same-sex marriage ruling (5/20/08)
LA Times: City attorney weighs in (5/20/08)
Christian Century (June 2008)
Supreme Court Ruling survives legal challenge (6/4/08)

Responses from key civic leaders:
L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Presidential primary candidates McCain, Obama & Clinton

In the church:
Statements & reactions from:
Bishop Bruno (Diocese of Los Angeles)
Bishop Andrus (Diocese of California)
Bishop Mathes (Diocese of San Diego)
Integrity Press Release
Integrity “Weekly Witness”
Marriage for All at All Saints Church Pasadena (5/22/08)
"Marriage 101" Panel Discussion (Video -- 5/18/08)
All Saints Rector, Ed Bacon (Video -- 5/25/08)
Pastoral Letter from Bishop of California (+Marc Andrus)
Bishop of El Camino Real offers Guidelines for Blessings (+Mary Gray Reeves)

Organizations committed to full equality and working to secure the rights guaranteed by the CA Supreme Court decision:

Equality for All
The Equality for All campaign is a large and diverse coalition of civil rights, faith, choice, labor and community of color organizations working to stop and defeat any ballot measure that would allow discrimination against LGBT Californians and deny gay and lesbian couples the right to marry.

HRC: Human Rights Campaign
Equality California

Lambda Legal

“The other side of the aisle:”
Keeping an eye on those opposed to the ruling and working to overturn it with a November ballot initiative:
The California Marriage Protection Act (text of proposed November ballot initiative)
Protect Marriage:
Statement by the California Catholic Conference of Bishops
Save California

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