Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Small c" catholic

The "early reviews" on yesterday's meeting between the Archbishop of Canterbury & Pope Benedict appear to bode well for the "small c" catholic church:

From the Anglican Communion News Service:
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has described his private meeting with Pope Benedict XVI yesterday in the Vatican as'friendly and informal'. They spent almost half an hour in the Pope's study discussing matters of common interest.

From the UK Guardian:
Despite his conservative views on women priests and homosexuality, Pope Benedict appears determined to bolster Williams's leadership in the name of Anglican unity.

From Episcopal Cafe:
The message ... appears to be that Rome is sticking with Canterbury as the locus of authentic Anglicanism and wants nothing to do with GAFCON, even with the presence of women clergy and bishops and gay bishops. This makes the plans for a non-Canterbury centered Anglicanism focused on the "global south" appear to be more and more a lonely outpost far from the heart of catholic unity.

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