Friday, May 23, 2008

Weekly Witness: Looking Toward Lambeth

We are now less than 60 days from the much anticipated Lambeth Conference -- the every-ten-year gathering of Anglican bishops in Canterbury. From the 16th of July through the 3rd of August, the bishops will gather for worship, study, and conversation.
The theme of this year's Lambeth Conference is “Equipping Bishops to Fulfill Their Leadership Role in God's Mission." Integrity will be there -- along with our allies -- to give voice to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) faithful committed to God's mission in the Anglican Communion and beyond.
Our "on the ground in Lambeth team" will include:
  • some of the same media and communication experts who have helped make our General Convention presence so effective;
  • a video team preparing for daily "YouTube" updates from Canterbury;
  • a daily newsletter that will be available both on the ground in Canterbuy and on the web;
  • volunteers for the booth we'll be sharing with Inclusive Church & Changing Attitude allies in the "market place" (AKA "exhibit hall")
  • chaplains supporting our witness with opportunities for common prayer and pastoral care.
All of this, of course, costs money and our Canterbury Campaign is well launched and -- thanks to the generosity of so many of you -- inching toward our goal.
I had the privilege of being with a most energized gathering of Integrity faithful in San Diego last week and appreciated the opportunity to celebrate with them the then-only-hours-old California Supreme Court decision on marriage equality as we looked ahead to Lambeth. Next week I'll be in Seattle and then on June 8th in Massachusettes for Canterbury Campaign gatherings (other gatherings are listed here) or you can donate online here.
Integrity's message at Lambeth will be that God's mission includes all people, especially those marginalized by our societies. We work towards the day when all people are fully included in all rites and all orders of the Church and towards the realization of the Reign of God. Thus we stand within the "mainstream" of the Anglican ethos which is inclusive and tolerant of difference.
Stay tuned for further developments as we "countdown to Lambeth." And give thanks for all those who are giving so sacrifically -- of time, talent AND treasure -- to make our witness to God's inclusive love to possible!
Until next week,
All best blessings,
(The Reverend) Susan Russell
President, Integrity USA
In other news:
  • Comprehensive information on Marriage Equality in California is provided at Marriage Equality 101
  • The Presiding Bishop talks about her hopes and expectations for Lambeth Conference in Episcopal Life Online
  • Episcopal Cafe is reporting that the Presiding Bishop of the Middle East has withdrawn from the upcoming "GAFCON Conference."
For more information visit the Integrity website.

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