Friday, June 27, 2008

Denise Ray Mueller Ordained Episcopal Deacon

Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
412 Sycamore Street . Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-4179
513/421-0311 800/582-1712

For Immediate Release

Denise Ray Mueller of Columbus was ordained as a deacon in the Episcopal
Church on June 14 by the Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, bishop of the
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio. Ms Mueller was among 10 men and women
ordained as deacons at Christ Church Cathedral in Cincinnati.

The Rev Deacon Deniray Mueller will continue her outreach to the community
through interfaith and ecumenical organizations as well as working with
battered women and teens who have been victims of violence. A member of the
Central Ohio Chapter of Integrity, she is currently assigned to Trinity
Episcopal Church on Capitol Square in Columbus.

Vocational deacons are men and women called to carry the ministry of the
church into the world - and the world into the church. They are called
specifically to serve the poor, the weak, the sick and the lonely. They have
undergone three years of theological training in the diocese.

Congratulations, Deniray!

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