Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Letters to Lambeth

Please join in Letters to Lambeth a web based way for Anglicans around the world to tell their faith story as part of the Communion's Listening Process.

From the Windsor Report forward we have heard calls for what is called "The Listening Process," a process is intended to invoke a deep, Communion-wide attentiveness to the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Moving the listening process forward requires opening the process to participation by individual Anglicans around the world. To this end, we invite you to tell this faith story through the Letters to Lambeth website. Now we have a web based way for LGBT people, their allies, friends and families to tell these faith stories. Through Letters to Lambeth, you can tell your unique and important story of how your life and faith have been enriched by being LGBT or by having LGBT people in your family, as a friend, or in your church.

Each author can choose to send either:

  • a public letter which will be posted at the Letters to Lambeth website
    and may be read aloud during an evening program of the Lambeth Fringe
    Festival during the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury England; or
  • A private letter which will be sent directly to the Director of the
    Listening Program at the Anglican Communion.

Either a public or private letter may be signed with a "pen name" to protect the safety of the author.

Those who can safely do so may send a photograph me at
editor@letterstolambeth.org and I will include the photo with their letter. This photo could be of themselves or of their neighborhood or town or of a scene that helps explain their faith story.

We will also accept photographs of artwork, poetry, a selection from a play, audio or video for use in Letters to Lambeth. These contributions might be especially useful in the Lambeth Fringe Festival event we are developing to help tell the stories of LGBT Anglicans around the world.

Please help circulate this invitation so we can reach out and include as many people as possible in the Letters to Lambeth Listening Process.

Thanks for your consideration and assistance.

Thomas Jackson
Oasis California President

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