Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekly Witness: June 28, 2008

The Ram in the thicket
My reflection this week is tied to the reading from Genesis that is part of our lectionary appointed for this coming Sunday. The text is Genesis 22:1-14 -- the story sometimes called "the sacrifice of Isaac."
We know, of course, that it turns out not to be the story of the sacrifice of Isaac at all but the "the ram in the thicket" that God provided. And what I'm wondering today is if this story -- disturbing as it is to our 21st century sensibilites in many ways -- doesn't offer an important teaching about the ways of God whose ways are not our ways, but whose quality is always to have mercy.
What I hear in the good news of "The Lord will provide" (which is the punchline of the story) is a call away from being cornered into the "either/or" messaging of the world around us and open ourselves up to the "both/and-ness" of God. We do NOT belong to a God who calls us to kill our children in order to "earn" God's love -- and we do NOT belong to a church that calls us to sacrifice ANY member of the Body of Christ in order to "earn" institutional unity.
The good news for me in Genesis 22 is -- if we're paying attention -- the same God who provided a ram in the thicket for Abraham will provide one for the Anglican Communion. If something needs to be "sacrificed" in order to "keep the communion together" then how about anything that keeps us from truly seeking and serving Christ in one another: racism, sexism, heterosexism, liturgical fundamentalism, etc., etc., etc. My prayer is that our witness at Lambeth Conference will be to point those rams in the thicket all around us and to refute the false premise that the LGBT baptized must be sacrificed on the altar of Anglican Unity.
For the convicting part of the story about Abraham and Isaac is that we can take ANYTHING that God has given us and turn it into an object of worship -- committing the sin of worshipping the gift rather than the giver which, as my OT professor used to remind us almost daily, is the most frequently committed sin of all. Even our beloved Communion -- intended to knit us together in bonds of affection -- can become an idol itself if we allow it to be knit into a straight-jacket of doctrinal conformity.
And the VERY good news in Genesis 22 is our God (whose quality IS always to have mercy) is always working to move us beyond that error into all truth -- always pointing to the ram in the thicket if we will but pay attention.
So let's pay attention. Let's pray for our bishops as they prepare to journey to Cantebury to meet for study, prayer and reflection. Let's pray for the cloud of LGBT witnesses who will surround that gathering with support, prayer and invitation to conversation. And most of all, let's give thanks that we belong to the God of infinite mercy, love, justice and peace whose will it is that we make known that love to all people.
All for now. Amen.
In the News:
The Presbyterians General Assembly: We rejoice with our Presbyterian sisters and brothers at the news of the 218th Presbyterian General Assembly's vote to end LGBT discrimination
Voices of Witness: Africa: We are thrilled to be partners in making a new video project, Voices of Witness: Africa available to the whole communion.
Marriage Equality: We continue to add resources to our "Marriage Equality 101" page as the developing story on marriage equality in California develops. Note that PBS Religion & Ethics Weekly will run a segment this week featuring one of the first gay weddings at All Saints Church, Pasadena.
Canterbury Campaign: It's not too late to join those contributing to make our witness at Lambeth Conference possible through the Canterbury Campaign. Thanks to all who have supported this important work so far!

Upcoming Events:
Lambeth Team: Our Lambeth team starts leaving for Canterbury early next month. Please keep us all in your prayers as we undertake that important work.
The London Premiere of "For the Bible Tells Me So" will be Monday night, July 14th. More details here.
Midwest Regional Conference: An Integrity regional conference will be held August 15-16 at St. Luke's in Evanston, Il. More detail here.

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