Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Anglican Journal (Canada) on yesterday

Click HERE for The Anglican Journal's excellent coverage of yesterday's press briefing about the Windsor Continuation Group and the resulting fallout.

Bishop Michael Ingham of the Diocese of New Westminster is featured prominently throughout the article and offers several significant points including: "the suggestion of a pastoral forum 'institutionalizes external incursions into the life of our churches.'" In direct contrast to the stated goal of a "moratorium" on external incursions, Bishop Ingham reminds us that this proposal would make such incursions commonplace and the new way of doing business as Anglicans. This point, made in the article, is underscored by the language of the source document itself (CLICK HERE): "Such a scheme might draw on models [of]... family life (the way in which the extended family can care for children in dysfunctional nuclear families)...".

Archbishop Caleb Lawrence of the Diocese of Moosonee raised other concerns about the proposal released yesterday. He said, "Will it be used as an instrument to force people to conform and will it be another one of the situations where there is a right and wrong, black and white, and people will be divided from people even more? Will it be an instrument that will lead to a reconciliation or will it simply exacerbate the divisions we are in now?"

Read it all, HERE

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