Friday, July 11, 2008

Bishop Christopher Coming To Canterbury

IntegrityUSA is pleased to report that Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, the retired Bishop of the Diocese of West Buganda in the Anglican Province of Uganda, has been granted a UK visa to attend the Lambeth Conference. As the chairman of Integrity Uganda, Bishop Christopher will be adding his witness to those of 8 representatives from IntegrityUSA and 5 representatives from Integrity Canada. Bishop Christopher will spend most of the conference at the Integrity stall [A8] in the Lambeth Marketplace--sharing his story with his follow bishops, their spouses, and other visitors. Bishop Christopher's trip is being underwritten thru the generous donations of IntegrityUSA's members and friends.

Bishop Christopher's testimony will also be printed in an early issue of The Lambeth Witness--a daily newsletter that will be published by a coalition of LGBT and other organizations.

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