Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canterbury Campaign Preliminary Final Report

Dear Friends:

We are at the finish line of our Canterbury Campaign and I am delighted to report to you that we have more than met our goal. Since the campaign was launched in February, well over 500 individuals and churches have contributed $68,913! This great response means that our volunteer team will go to the Lambeth Conference fully funded.

On behalf of those volunteers, as well as all the members of the Board of Directors, I wish to thank everyone who participated in this critically important effort. As a result of this great outpouring of generosity, Integrity’s plans for its participation and presence at the Conference--as well as post-conference follow-up--have been somewhat expanded.

By the middle of July, a detailed report on campaign contributions (gift levels, types of sources, etc.) will be available. If you would like a copy sent to you, please let me know.


Bruce Colburn
Development Coordinator

PS: If you have not contributed to the Canterbury Campaign yourself at this point, it is still not too late. Do so today on-line at http://www.integrityusa.org/donate.

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