Monday, July 7, 2008

CoE Synod Vote on Women Bishops

Declaring himself ...
... in favour of "a more rather than a less robust" form of accommodating traditionalists;
... and ...
.... opposed to any scheme or any solution to this which ends up, as it were, structurally humiliating women who might be nominated to the episcopate ...

... Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams presided today at the Church of England Synod vote confirming the ordination of women as bishops.
Read about it:
Ruth Gledhill's TimesOnline Blog
Riazat Butt in the Guardian

1 comment:

  1. While I'm happy to see the CofE moving forward on this long overdue recognition of God working powerfully in all of the baptized, I don't see how ++Rowan cannot see that accommodation will inevitably result in structurally humiliating the fine women appointed to the episcopate.


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