Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Inclusive Eucharist at the Lambeth Conference

from the
Inclusive Church Network

“From Strangers to Friends”
A space for grace at the Lambeth Conference

This Saturday at 7pm in the Keynes Lecture Theatre, University of Kent, Canterbury, inclusive Anglicans from around the world will celebrate the culmination of a year’s work preparing for the Lambeth Conference.

Canon Lucy Winkett, leading speaker and broadcaster, and first woman Precentor of St Paul’s Cathedral, will give the address ‘Strangers to Friends’ at a Eucharist celebrated by the Most Revd Carlos Touché-Porter, Archbishop of Mexico and leader of the ‘global centre’.

The Revd Giles Fraser, Vicar of Putney and President of Inclusive Church, says:
‘A Church in which all are welcome is a Church worth believing in and worth fighting for. This is the Church of traditional Anglicanism where the good news of Jesus Christ is offered as good news for everyone. At this time of tension and division, may we all be transformed by God's reconciling Spirit.’

For over a year, inclusive groups from across the Communion, including the Progressive Christianity Network, the Chicago Consultation, Inclusive Church, WATCH, Affirming Catholicism, Changing Attitude, LGCM, the Association of Black Clergy, The Evangelical Fellowship for LG Christians, Integrity and The Modern Churchpeople’s Union, have been working together to create a vision of unity in diversity to bear witness to the all-encompassing love of God at the Lambeth Conference. A collection of essays, Together in Hope, edited by Canon Adrian Alker of the Progressive Christianity Network, will be launched at the Party following the Eucharist.

Strangers to Friends: an Inclusive Eucharist and Party
Saturday, July 26, 7pm
Keynes Lecture Theatre, University of Kent

Clare Herbert, 07504 577 210

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