Thursday, July 31, 2008

Indaba On Human Sexuality

The Lambeth Conference

Daily Account: Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bishop J. Jon Bruno of Los Angeles

Bishop Chilton Knudsen of Maine

Bishop Michael G. Smith of North Dakota


The topic for today was The Bishop and human sexuality. We had been informed by the Archbishop of Canterbury that Lambeth 1998 Resolution 1.10 would not be revisited in our discussions because it continues to be the accepted teaching of the vast majority of the Anglican Communion.


The Bible Study focused on John 13: 31- 14:  " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. " 


The Bible Study groups appear to have bonded together and we have appreciated the opportunity for sharing. The Bible Study groups are greatly diverse and we have developed a sense of trust and love in each other.


We saw a video and then entered into our Indaba group.  The video focused on concerns that people share around the globe and we were able to express our feelings freely. Many, however, noticed that in the video, there was no indication of the speaker’s sexual orientation.


In the Indaba groups, we are being the people of God, who love others in the name of our Lord.  We are about building bridges.


In many groups, the issues of sexuality have been discussed, and as a result we experienced much honest listening.  Throughout the discussions, it was clear that the respect and dignity of all people must be honored.


In the afternoon, a hearing was conducted on the Lambeth reflections.


Also available on EpiScope

See Episcopal Life Online for full coverage and video:

1 comment:

  1. "The topic for today was The Bishop and human sexuality. We had been informed by the Archbishop of Canterbury that Lambeth 1998 Resolution 1.10 would not be revisited in our discussions because it continues to be the accepted teaching of the vast majority of the Anglican Communion."

    In other words, not only did the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Clifton, sloppily ramrod 1.10 through 1998 Lambeth (which has caused worldwide pain and strain since them)but current Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, makes a bigger mess by FORBIDING "discussion" with a blind endorsement of "majority of the Anglican Communion."

    When dark night will he hold the bookburning in front of Canterbury Cathedral?


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