Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Seven Passages" Opening Night In Canterbury

Last night the cast and crew of "Seven Passages" gave an amazing performance. The play consists entirely of words from the Bible and the real-life stories of over 100 gay and lesbian Christians living in Michigan. It explores 7 "clobber passages" of scripture that are used to condemn same-gender relationships and 7 "life passages" common to gay and lesbian Christians. Four members of the audience from the Global South walked out of the theatre about halfway thru the performance. After a standing ovation, the Very Rev. Dr. Rowan Smith of South Africa facilitated a conversation between the audience, the directors, and the cast.

"Seven Passages" will be performed again TONITE, July 31st, 8 pm, at the Aphra Studio [just to the right of the Lambeth Conference registration table in the Grimond Building]. If you are in Canterbury, don't miss it!

If you are not in Canterbury, a DVD of the play is due for release in September. To order an advance copy, please contact the Actor's Theatre at +1-616-234-3817 or You can also arrange a license to produce the stage version in your area.

This performance was made possible thru a grant from the Arcus Gay & Lesbian Fund.

1 comment:

  1. More on this and other Lambeth news from Integrity/Canada here.


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