Saturday, July 26, 2008

LGBT Episcopalian Team

It occured to us that we never formally introduced the team of LGBT [and straight!] Episcopalians who are sharing the good news of God's inclusive with the bishops attending Lambeth.

Representing Integrity USA is...
  • Susan Russell--president of Integrity USA, who is coordinating strategy and tactics with the leaders of allied LGBT and justice organizations during Lambeth
  • Louise Brooks--award-winning television and film producer, who is serving as our senior press officer during Lambeth
  • John Clinton Bradley--acting executive director of Integrity USA, who is managing the Canterbury communications Centre [3C] during Lambeth
  • Jon Richardson--a candidate for holy orders in the Diocese of Newark who volunteered with Integrity's legislative time during the last General Convention, is staffing the 3C during Lambeth. Jon is working closely with John to provide a multitude of support services.
  • Phil Nicholson--a former northeast regional vice president of Integrity USA and a veteran of several General Conventions, is managing our booth during Lambeth
  • Katie Sharrod--a long-time straight supporter of Integrity USA and award-winning journalist, who is editing our daily newsletter.
  • Michael Bell--a leader of the Bishop's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Ministry in the Diocese of Los Angeles, who is serving as our graphic artist. Michael is working closely with Katie on the newsletter.
  • Caro Hall--Integrity's director of Anglican Communion affairs, who is serving as our team chaplain and coordinating a number of "Alongside Lambeth" offerings.

Representing other LGBT organizations [but working closely with Integrity USA] are...

  • Cynthia Black--is serving as team videographer on behalf of Claiming the Blessing
  • Tom Jackson---is working with Caro on Alongside Lambeth offerings on behalf of Oasis California
  • Cameron Partridge--is speaking and writing on behalf of TransEpiscopal

Please keep these dedicated volunteers--and their significant others from whom they are parted--in your prayers.

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