Saturday, July 26, 2008

Process, process, process - and not a story in sight!

It seems that about the only news coming from the Lambeth Conference is from Fringe Events like the ones we at Integrity and our allies in the Inclusive Church Network are hosting. Tonight's Eucharist hosted by the Inclusive Church Network promises to be a big point of interest. The Most Rev. Carlos Touché-Porter, Archbishop of Mexico, will preside, and the Rev. Canon Lucy Winkett of St. Paul's Cathedral, London will preach.

Aside from that, process stories about the lack of news coming out of Lambeth continue to waft from the secular press.

Alex Beam of The Boston Globe had this to say:
Unfortunately, snubbing Robinson didn't have the desired effect, as hundreds of bishops are staying away, to avoid rubbing shoulders with the men who consecrated bishops like Robinson and Schori. No delegates from Nigeria, Uganda, and Rwanda are attending. Even Michael Nazir-Ali, the bishop of Rochester, England, is boycotting the event. "Those who have gone against church teaching" - he means the Yanks - "should not attend representative Anglican gatherings," Nazir-Ali said.
To read the rest CLICK HERE

If you're looking for substantive news about the Integrity team's work in Canterbury, and that of our allies, be sure to read The Lambeth Witness, a daily publication about issues of interest set in the context of each day's theme.

To access The Lambeth Witness CLICK HERE

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