Friday, July 25, 2008

Proposal Calls For Creation Of Faith And Order Commission

a c c w e b n e w s
The Anglican Church of Canada


Jul 25, 2008

Canterbury, England
The Windsor Continuation Group (WCG) has put before the Lambeth Conference
of bishops here a proposal to set up an Anglican Faith and Order Commission
that could "give guidance on the ecclesiological issues" raised by the
current "crisis" in the Anglican Communion - the focus on human sexuality.

The WCG suggests that the approval of the proposed Anglican Covenant among
provinces and churches "needs a definite timeline to ensure confidence that
the process has credibility."

In a press conference, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams would not go
into detail about the proposal, saying only that "there is a very strong
feeling that we need another level of structure to have a clearing house for
some of these issues." He added: "I don't want to say anything about the
detail because it's a flag raised to see who salutes it." He said the
proposal was being discussed by bishops in their indaba groups today. "We'll
see how it flies."

Already some questions are being raised as to whether such a commission
would be equivalent to the powerful Pontifical Biblical Commission of the
Roman Catholic Church, composed of cardinals who meet in Rome and whose
duties include protecting and defending "the integrity of the Catholic
faith" and deciding on "controversies on grave questions which may arise
among Catholic scholars to ensure their proper interpretation."

To read the rest of the story, please visit the Anglican Journal Website,

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