Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sudan bishops call for Robinson's resignation


Jul 22, 2008

Canterbury, England

Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul, primate of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan and bishop of Juba, Tuesday said Bishop Gene Robinson, the openly gay bishop of New Hampshire, must resign for the sake of the unity of the Anglican Communion, which has been deeply divided over the issue of homosexuality.

Archbishop Deng Bul and his fellow bishops have also issued a statement calling on both the Canadian and American churches to "refrain from ordaining practicing homosexuals as bishops or priests, to refrain from approving same-sex blessings, and to "respect the authority of the Bible," among others.

The Sudanese bishops said that the consecration of Bishop Robinson and the approval by the Vancouver-based diocese of New Westminster of same- sex blessings has "seriously harmed the Church's witness in Africa and elsewhere, opening the church to ridicule and damaging its credibility in a multi-ethnic world."

To read the rest of the story, please visit the Anglican Journal Web site,


1 comment:

  1. Archbishop Deng Bul's request saddens me -- as a diocesan bishop there was a companion diocese relationship between his diocese and the diocese of Chicago. He has visited us and of course the relationship and connection will continue. What I wonder was, did he not realize that 30-40% of the diocese of Chicago clergy -- people he became friends with -- are glbt? That his request for Bishop Robinson to step down and for us to stop ordaining clergy that don't fit his culture . . . because it makes their evangelism hard. . . would make our church seem very wrong in our culture?


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