Sunday, July 20, 2008

Voices of Witness: Africa

Claiming the Blessing and Integrity USA are pleased to offer a first look at "Voices of Witness: Africa", stories of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians in Africa, which will premiere at the Lambeth Conference on July 23rd at 8 p.m. in Keynes Lecture Theatre 1.


  1. Thank you for the link/video but it isn't working yet...btw, is there going to be a follow-up report on the exact headcount of bishops attending today's Eucharist sponsored by LGBT people? I think it is vital that we know who is RESPONSIBLE and who is not in terms of "loving us anyway" as we attempt to "love them anyway"...thank you.

  2. Thank you for producing a very clear and vibrant video that brings our African Sisters and Brothers into our midst.

  3. Wonderful, REAL, penetrating with TRUTH...brave folks, articulating the reality of simply "being" in a place where they are in danger everyday...both, in and outside of The Anglican Church...thank you for this brings NEW FRIENDS (and all the ones we've never seen)into our everyday lives...I think of them everyday, now some of them have faces and voices.

  4. Our count was that 33 bishops made it to the Changing Attitude/Integrity eucharist. The bishop's earlier service was longer than anticipated which meant there were some transport problems. As a result quite a few bishops weren't able to get there who had intended to attend.

  5. Wonderful video AND LONG OVER DUE! Many thanks to the producers as well as the courage of the witnesses, which remind me that "nothing can seperate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord".

    I have passed the URL on to Integrity/Bethlehem as well as posted it on the Diocese of Bethlehem bulletin board.

  6. Time has gone by since viewing the video. I couldn't start typing because I was speechless. I pause between each sentence. Could there be a more powerful witness?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That is excellent, thank you. A very powerful presentation. Thank you thank you.

  9. This is wonderful. Is there a chance that I may post it at my blog in the future? This is something I would like Anglicans in Central America to see.

  10. Deeply moving and a profound witness. I am looking forward to seeing the full video. In spite of, or perhaps because of the oppression LGBT people are experiencing in Africa, God seems to be visibly moving among and through them. God bless his beautiful LGBT sons and daughters in Africa!!


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