Monday, August 11, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury seeks 'covenantal commitment'

This ENS article came out a week ago, but it is notable that Susan Russell was quoted...

The Rev. Susan Russell, Integrity USA President, said that "in spite of
extraordinary pressure to do otherwise, the Archbishop of Canterbury has managed to achieve his stated goal of a Lambeth Conference of reflection rather than resolutions.

"The long predicted coup d'état that was going to emerge from this Lambeth Conference and vote the Americans and Canadians out of the Anglican Communion failed to materialize. There is much to be grateful for in that."

She added that "we recognize with deep regret that the exclusion of the Bishop of New Hampshire from this gathering of his peer bishops in the Church of God has sent a signal to LGBT people around the world that the Anglican Communion still considers them 'strangers at the gate.' We commit ourselves to continue in the struggle until our church and our communion live up to the high calling to be the Body of Christ in the world where all members are truly welcome, valued, loved, included and challenged."

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