Sunday, August 3, 2008

From spectators to participants: Inclusion Activism opportunity

Did watching and waiting while bishops at Lambeth conferred about the future of the Episcopal Church (and perhaps your place within it) leave you feeling frustrated and more than usually disempowered?

Claiming the Blessing/Integrity offers LGBT folks and LGBT-friends, lay and clerical, old-timers and the newly energized, a chance to learn how to practice Inclusion Activism. On September 12-13, we'll be holding the last of our current series of workshops in Minneapolis, MN at St. Mark's Cathedral.

What's Inclusion Activism? Integrity President Susan Russell describes the curriculum as "how the Church works and how to work the Church."

The trainers are the Rev. Cynthia Black of Kalamazoo and Katie Sherrod for Fort Worth, just returned from the Inclusive Church communications team at Lambeth. Katie edited The Lambeth Witness, while Cynthia shot video for the Lambeth Gene Pool. The two also are the producers of the film Voices of Witness: Africa successfully previewed at Lambeth.

There is no tuition charge for the workshop -- and participants will be well fed by us. You do have to cover your own travel and lodging expenses. Some scholarship help is available.

This will be your last chance to participate in one of these workshops before General Convention 2009. If interested in attending, or you want more information, contact Claiming the Blessing field organizer Jan Adams at

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