Friday, August 1, 2008

Gay US Bishop Says Church Will Regret Excluding Homosexuals

a c c w e b n e w s
The Anglican Church of Canada


Jul 31, 2008

Canterbury, England
V. Gene Robinson, the openly gay U.S. bishop whose consecration in
2003 polarised the worldwide Anglican Communion, says he believes that one
day the Church will regret its rejection of homosexuals the way that it now
regrets its support in the past for slavery.

"We believed in slavery for 18 and a half centuries before we came to know
God's will for us with respect to people of colour," Robinson told
Ecumenical News International on the campus of the University of Kent in
Canterbury, England, where about 650 Anglican bishops from around the world
are meeting for the 16 July to 3 August Lambeth Conference.

Robinson was not invited to be an official delegate to the once-
every-10-years gathering. An Anglican Communion official said this was
because of the "widespread objections" within the 77-million-strong grouping
to Robinson's consecration as a bishop.

To read the rest of the story, please visit the Anglican Journal Website,

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