Friday, August 1, 2008

Lambeth Podcasts

Tom Jackson of Oasis California has started posting some podcasts from the Lambeth Conference at .  So far there is...  
  • Lambeth One: Windsor Press Conference  | In this first episode of Lambeth coverage, Tom Jackson has recorded the entire press conference held by the Windsor continuation group. Although we have edited out some of the more process oriented bits, the Q & A from reporters is intact and worth hearing.
  • Two bishops reflect on Lambeth | Tom Jackson speaks to Bishop Suffragan Dena Harrison of Texas and Bishop Henry Parsley of Alabama about whether gay and lesbian persons can have hope in the Church.
  • More with Bishop Clive | Tom Jackson reports on further details presented by the chair of the Windsor Continuation Group, Bishop Clive Handford. Note: we'll have a loger interview with Bishop Clive later in August.

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