Sunday, August 17, 2008

Midwestern Regional Conference

About 20 leaders and members of Integrity USA from the Midwestern Region gathered this weekend at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Evanston, IL.

Louie Crew gave two talks: 1) on how and why Integrity was founded and its relationship to the Episcopal church becoming more open to the ministries of all the baptized, and 2) on Integrity’s recent past and what he believes General Convention 2009 will bring.

John Clinton Bradley, Acting Executive Director of Integrity, also give two talks: 1) on what happened at Lambeth, and 2) what's next for the Episcopal Church related to LGBT issues. [PDFs of John's slides are available by clicking the hyperlinks.]

Liz Steadman and Kelby Harrison gave a presentation titled "What If LGBTQ People Preached What They Know in Practice? Insights with Integrity for Christian Sexual Ethics"

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