Thursday, September 18, 2008

HOB Daily Account, September 17, 2008

The following is an account of the House of Bishops for  Wednesday . It is also available on EpiScope:


The Bishops of the Episcopal Church gathered in Salt Lake City, Utah, for a special session of the meeting of the House of Bishops.


Present were 128 bishops.  Not present were 15 who could not attend for a variety of reasons, including the bishops of Texas who are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. Nine did not respond and were not present.


Following morning worship, the bishops met in small table groups to debrief the recent Lambeth Conference.  The bishops were presented with two questions for discussion:

“What were we most grateful for; and what were we least grateful for?”  The afternoon plenary focused on what lies ahead.


Bishops consistently expressed gratitude for the relationships developed during Bible Study, Indaba groups and informal conversations throughout the Lambeth Conference.  Many reported that these relationships are continuing through email contact, and the establishment of companion relationships between dioceses around the world.  The bishops expressed gratitude for the Archbishop of Canterbury’s leadership, especially during the retreat.  Many expressed appreciation for the expansion of the world view they received.


Concerns expressed included the disjunction between the Lambeth Indaba Process and future decision-making.  Many compared the deep and collegial conversation of the Indaba Process with the more contentious hearings held by the Windsor Continuation Group and the Covenant Design Group. 


In the afternoon plenary, there was lively discussion as we looked forward to extending the Lambeth Conference experience.  A wide range of topics was presented including: a cooperation on the environment; global warming; poverty reduction; and improved communication throughout the Communion. HOB also discussed inviting Primates and bishops to visit The Episcopal Church.  In turn, some bishops expressed a desire to visit other parts of the Communion.  Throughout the day, gratitude was expressed for existing and developing relationships, and their significant value to our mutual life in the Anglican Communion.


Prepared by:

Bishop Thomas Breidenthal of Southern Ohio

Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real

Bishop Gordon Scruton of Western Massachusetts

Bishop Geralyn Wolf of Rhode Island

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