Tuesday, September 9, 2008

L.A. Bishops speak out against California Proposition 8

Episcopal Bishop to take strong No on 8 stand at Wednesday Press Conference

The Right Reverend J. Jon Bruno, Episcopal Bishop of Los Angeles will speak in opposition to Proposition 8 at a press conference on Wednesday, September 10 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Los Angeles Cathedral Center, located at 840 Echo Park Avenue.

Bruno will joined by clergy and lay leaders from all around the southland, including:

· The Reverend Abel Lopez, who will address the issue of marriage equality in both English and Spanish;

· The Reverend Warner Traynham, former rector of St. John’s, Los Angeles and long time civil rights activist;

· The Reverend Susan Russell, President of Integrity USA and a national spokesperson for LGBT equality;

· Along with several recently married Episcopalian couples who will talk about their commitment to protect the sanctity of ALL marriages.

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