Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Post-Lambeth Ad

Take a look at our ad in the September issue of Episcopal Life on page 11!


  1. I agree with Susan+ in that the ad has a strong impact and one that is valuable. However, I am unclear as to its ultimate purpose. Are we talking about civil or sacramental equality? The two are very different. GC has supported civil equality, but not sacramental equality. Not to be picky, but the graphic design could have been better.

  2. Dear Ian:

    Both civil and ecclesiastical marriage equality are likely to be discussed at General Convention--Integrity expects to primarily focus on the ecclesiastical domain. Model General Convention resolutions on this issue will be available soon!

    BTW, the ad was created within a day's notice by one of our dedicated staff members who does not pretend to be a professional graphic artist. But we are planning to use a pro for our NEXT ad--which will encourage folks to vote against California Proposition 9.


    Integrity USA


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