Friday, September 19, 2008

Transgender Survey

Dear Colleagues in the Pro-LGBT Religious Movement,

I write to ask that you spread the word (if you haven't already) about a new
survey (and one that promises to be the largest ever) on the lives of gender
non-conforming people. I intentionally use the language gender
non-conforming because this survey is intended to expand our knowledge not
only of folks who identify as transgender but also those who fall on the
continuum of gender non-conformity.

The importance of the survey cannot be overstated. Currently there is
almost NO research on the lives of transgender and gender non-conforming
people. This survey allows for accurate and good information to get out in
order to support advocacy and other social justice work with and on behalf
of transgender and gender non-conforming folks.

To date, we have over 2900 responses-- this is within the first week of the
survey's launch. The largest study ever done on trans folks had 3200
respondents. So this is truly an amazing opportunity.

The survey can be found at:

If you identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, please fill out the
survey. If you know of anyone who does, please share it with them. Please
send it to any of your lists, too.

Thank you for your collegiality and support with this important project!


Rev. Rebecca Voelkel
Institute for Welcoming Resources and Faith Work Director
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
810 W. 31st Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408

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