Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Anglican Marriage Equality Groundswell Continues

CANADA: Montreal bishop will work out rite for same-sex blessing

CONNECTICUT: Convention calls for allowing clergy to perform same-gender
marriages, hears bishop announce retirement date

In response the ENS article above, the Diocese of Connecticut issued this

Resolution #8 was a resolution to "implore the bishop" to allow the clergy
to decide "whether or not to participate in marriage ceremonies of same sex
couples." Its passage, by 174 to 132, conveyed that desire for change and
did not change policy. Clergy do not have the bishop's permission to
officiate at same sex marriage services.

After the vote, Bishop Smith addressed the convention to reiterate the
current policies and to say that he would "include clearly" the debate and
vote on Resolution #8 in his deliberations.

The recent Connecticut State Supreme Court decision broadened the state's
definition of marriage so that it no longer agrees with the Church's
definition, raising significant questions, said Bishop Andrew D. Smith in
his address. He said that he's asked Bishops Suffragan James Curry and Laura
Ahrens along with members of the Standing Committee and the chancellors to
join him in looking at all the issues raised (see full address for details).

While they work, Bishop Smith said, the policies that he had announced for
civil unions will remain in effect. These allow pastoral blessings as part
of a congregation's pastoral ministry. (see 2006 annual address announcing

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