Sunday, October 5, 2008

Episcopalians take to the streets

Episcopalians from the churches of the South of Market area ministry will distribute 1000s of these stickers at the Castro Street fair in San Francisco today. If you are in the city, stop by and get stickered up.

What are you doing for to defeat the California initiative to eliminate the right of same sex couples to marry? Get involved here.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Episcopalians...and not to be competetive or anything rather in the spirit of colaboration dig thisl. Our First Congregational church in Santa Cruz had their No on 8 banner removed last week, but Roger our caretaker wasted no time in recreating another, better one which still stands. Dave Grishaw Jones our minister preached about it (twice) today and was published in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. His No on 8 op ed piece was great. Hope you can access it on line. What a day for justice.


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