Friday, October 24, 2008

Weekly Witness For October 24th

Chicago Consultation Gathering

Earlier this week, four representatives of Integrity [President Susan Russell, Past President Michel Hopkins, Acting Executive Director John Clinton Bradley, and Field Organizer Jan Adams] attended a meeting of the Chicago Consultation at Seabury-Western Theological Survey. They conferred with more than 30 bishops, deputies, and others who are working to move the Episcopal Church BEYOND B033 and FORWARD on same-gender blessings at General Convention in Anaheim.

Although the goals for General Convention are clear, choosing the best legislative approach for achieving those goals is not so simple. Integrity wants your opinion on the types of resolutions you think would be most effective. Click here to take a survey!

Take the P3 Challenge!

The board of directors challenges every member to invite their congregation to become a Proud Parish Partner [P3] of Integrity! Click here to find out if your congregation is already a P3.

If your congregation is NOT a partner, click here to print an invitation, share it with the senior clergyperson of your congregation, and ask him or her to complete and mail the response form.

If your congregation IS a P3, ask your parish web editor to put a banner or button ad on your congregation's website to let readers know about your support of Integrity.

Voices Of Witness Africa: On The Road Again!

Following a successful preview of Voices of Witness: Africa at the Lambeth Conference, producers Cynthia Black and Katie Sherrod are back in the field shooting more interviews. Their itinerary will take them to the UK, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, and Austria. Please keep them and those they interview in your prayers. An additional $40,000 is needed to complete the project. Click here to donate!

Now Accepting Applications

Integrity's board of directors is currently recruiting for two positions....
  1. A half-time General Convention Project Manager/Meeting Planning for 1 year. This will be a half-time employee responsible for planning and implementing all logistical aspects of Integrity's presence at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Anaheim, California, during July 6-17, 2009. This employee will also serve as the meeting planning for the After Anaheim conference that will be held in August or September 2009 at a location to be determined.
  2. A volunteer Treasurer to serve the reminder of Jeff Martinhauk's term. This officer—who is a voting member of board—is responsible for overseeing the receipt and disbursement of all funds of Integrity, ensuring the creation and maintenance of accurate financial records, advising the board on sound financial and investment policies, and directing the preparation and filing of all fiscal reports required by governmental entities.

Detailed descriptions of both jobs can be found at

If you , or someone you know, is interested in one of these opportunities, please e-mail a resume to In the SUBJECT line, indicate for which job you are applying. In the BODY, summarize your qualifications.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Neil Houghton, Volunteer Coordinator and
Northeast Regional Vice President
Home: 585-624-4225
Cell: 585-301-8256

Many of our members ask "What can I do for Integrity, beyond my membership and monetary contributions?" As the new Volunteer Coordinator it is my task to let you know what you can do and coordinate your efforts.

While our staff works hard, there is still more to do. Here are some things for you to consider. If any of these interest you and fall into your area of expertise, please contact me. These are our highest priority items...
  1. Set up a network hub in the Rochester office. We have a hard drive, server and Ethernet hub which were purchased for the Lambeth Conference. Contact me for details.
  2. Explore grant opportunities and write grants. We have identified The Carpenter Foundation as a potential donor and would like someone to pursue this. We are already working with Haas Jr. and Arcus. If any of you are aware of other sources, please let us know.
  3. Integrity Briefings will be a quarterly newsletter for our leaders and donors. We need articles about what we ARE doing and what we COULD BE doing from all corners of the organization.
  4. Integrity Reflections will provide sermon and adult discussion group topics. Our clergy members in particular have asked for this and if you have preached a sermon on a particular passage of scripture or lead a group discussion, here's a chance for you to spread the Good News!
  5. Upgrade our website to Web 2.0. This means making it more interactive and user-driven--like a Facebook page. We need someone knowledgeable to coordinate this effort.
Integrity works best when all work together!

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